출처 :
Problems reported while synchronizing CVS Workspace. 0 of 1 resources were synchronized.
An error occurred synchronizing /hkcc_dev/work: I/O has been interrupted.
I/O has been interrupted.
Timeout while reading from input stream
The most likely cause of the interrupt is either an intermittent network failure or a communications timeout.
The CVS communications timeout can be adjusted in the Team/CVS preferences.
Another possible cause is the improper configuration of the "ext" connection method.
The "ext" connection method can be configured on the Team/CVS/EXT Connection Method preference page |
이유 : 파일이 많아서 서버에 접속되어 있는 세션 시간이 적어서 그런듯...
처리 방법
이클립스 상단 메뉴 중 Windows > Preperances > Team > CVS
Connection 탭에서
Conection timeout(s)의 시간을 늘려줌
- 기본 : 60
- 변경 : 480